Graduate Forms Library

MA in Religion Checklist

The MA in Religion Checklist serves as a guide for all students in the standalone MA program, including those in the BA/MA and joint MS-MA program with the School of Journalism.

PhD in Religion Roadmap

The PhD in Religion Roadmap serves as a guide for PhD students in the Department of Religion.

Application for the Master of Philosophy

Once all requirements for the MPhil have been completed, students should submit an Application for the Master of Philosophy to the Director of Graduate Studies. The Director of Graduate Studies will then sign the form and submit it to the GSAS Dissertation Office.

Teaching Roles and Responsibilities

Both Teaching Fellows and instructors are encouraged to review the Teaching Roles and Responsibilities document prior to starting each term.

Report of Dissertation Prospectus Committee

Immediately upon successfully defending their dissertation proposal, the student must submit the signed report to the department administrator.

Application for the Dissertation Defense

At least six weeks prior to the anticipated date of defense, the students must submit the completed Application for the Dissertation Defense to the department administrator.