Faculty Emeriti
Euan Cameron
Henry Luce III Professor of Reformation Church History, Union Theological Seminary
Research Interest
Photo of Katherine Ewing
Faculty Emeriti
Katherine Ewing
Professor Emerita of Religion
Research Interest
Faculty Emeriti
Bernard R. Faure
Kao Professor Emeritus of Japanese Religions and Professor Emeritus of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research Interest
Photo of Wayne L. Proudfoot
Faculty Emeriti
Wayne L. Proudfoot
Professor Emeritus of Religion, Department of Religion
Photo of George E. Rupp
Faculty Emeriti
George E. Rupp
President Emeritus, Adjunct Professor of Comparative Religion, International Affairs and Public Health
Faculty Emeriti
Robert E. Somerville
Tremaine Professor Emeritus of Religion, Department of Religion; Professor Emeritus of History, Department of History
Research Interest
Faculty Emeriti
Robert A. F. Thurman
Jey Tsong Khapa Professor Emeritus of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Department of Religion
Faculty Emeriti
Chun-Fang Yu
Sheng Yen Professor Emerita of Chinese Buddhism, Departments of Religion and East Asian Languages and Cultures